Your domain should start working in about
2 hours

After creating a new account or adding a new domain it can take up to 2 hours for it to begin working. As long as everything is configured correctly, the countdown above should let you know roughly when you can expect your domain to start working on its own. If it's already been more than 2 hours and the domain still isn't working we have some ideas that may help.
  • If you clear your browser cache it might start working. Sometimes browsers continue loading this page from cache even after your domain is actually working.
  • Did you renew your account recently? If you didn't log into your account for more than 60 days you may need to wait 2 hours for your domain to be recreated.
  • Did you add this domain to your account? If this isn't your main domain and an admin hasn't added it to your account yet it will show queued until you do so.
  • Are you using external DNS? If you don't have the correct IPv4 and/or IPv6 address set in your external DNS you may get this queued page until you fix it.
  • Is your domain disabled? If your domain wasn't hosted by us for a while we may have disabled it to reduce server load. Now that you're back you can re-enable the domain on your own.
If the above suggestions don't get your domain working feel free to ask the community for help by posting on our forum, emailing, or chatting with us.

Login to your account

Your account has been created! You won't be able to see your website on this domain yet because it still isn't fully set up, but you can start uploading files, creating databases, and exploring your control panel. You can login to your account on our main website.
